DastHellas Web
Corporate web design and development
From dynamic Database driven Websites to complex Web Applications i can help you decide what's best for your business based on your needs using latest technologies!
I enjoy designing modern and stylish websites and applications. Using latest CSS, Bootstrap and Jquery technologies i build attractive and stylish desings based on your requirements.
I always enjoy creating native state of the art Android Applications for your needs!
Design and Development of custom Desktop Softwares for your business using .NET technologies and C#.
Get competitive and improve your business market place with tailor made IT solutions (Dynamic Websites, Web Applications, Web services and Database Management solutions).
If you are need of some graphics design work i'm here to help you! From logos, Brands Identities, Flyers, Banners, Infographics etc.
B.Sc. in Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia Economic and Social Sciences. Grade: 6.71 / 10
MSc in Computer Science of Staffordshire University UK (postgraduate course at the University of Staffordshire England in cooperation with TEI of Larissa)
Web Design and Development in .NET MVC and .NET CORE technologies using c#
Android Applications using JAVA
Web designer and developer
EWATUSS - European Research Project - Web Application Developer (Implementation of DSS for water management)
NOVELOG - European Research Project - Web Application Developer (Implementation of DSS for smart cities risk analysis)
Web designer and developer at itworx.gr
INVEST (INnoVations of REgional Sustainability) European Research Project - Software Engineer - Responsible for developing multiple websites, impementation of a Virtual Campus Platform and integration of various IT solutions in unified environment.
Lead developer (responsible for desinging and implementing high-end solutions for online surveys, mobile apps, rest apis and complex backoffice platforms)
Commercial Android scanner application for managing orders, products and warehouse processes by connecting customers to Softone's ERP Web Services.
PolisWizz tool is an integrated supervision, decision support, and modelling tool for urban water supply systems. It is customised for the town of the island of Skiathos, Greece (partner DEYASK is the end-user), and has been developed with the support of two EU-funded projects, the FP7 ISS-EWATUS and the H2020 Water4Cities project by the UTH team.
Online phone ordering system that integrates solutions from Galaxy ERP, Woo Commerce platform and a custom made delivery and monitoring system.
Android Application designed based on customer' templates that provides a unique, user-tailored way experience of communicating with the creater @ Alex Hart
Desktop software built for use with Oracle and MSSQL based ERP systems to manage complex processes.
I am available for freelance work! So don't hesitate to contact me!
My moto: "If you only do what you can then you will never be more than you are today"